With his cross-country move in full swing, Gabriel Cross is just beginning to settle into his new town, and though it’s a far cry from the big city, little by little he’s getting used to the relative solitude and small town way of life. While he generally sees the same faces every day, one in particular has stood out- that of a man who looks suspiciously like Gabriel’s crazy stalker ex, as crazy as that seems to him. But crazy is the norm with Jonah- always been that way- so when Gabriel is startled by a home invader’s voice, he is only somewhat relieved to discover that it is Jonah, who has somehow tracked him down.And while Gabriel knows he’s bad news in the long run, he must admit that Jonah is the best sex he ever had, and now that he’s face to face with him again, Gabriel realizes he wouldn’t mind taking a stroll down memory lane. So when Jonah grabs him by his ass Gabriel relents, falling to his knees and sucking Jonah off.