
LONG BEACH — The California Democratic Party voted on Sunday to OPPOSE the pending Safer Sex in Adult Film Act, a controversial ballot initiative that would allow private citizens to sue adult performers and other industry workers when a condom is not visible in an adult film.

Eric Paul Leue, campaign manager for Californians Against Worker Harassment, a committee opposing the initiative, said this was a historic win for the adult industry: both major political parties in the state now oppose the initiative.

“This is a tremendous, unprecedented victory. We applaud the California Democratic Party for recognizing the many problems with this dangerous initiative.  No worker in any other industry can be sued and harassed by members of the general public, and this initiative would open adult performers to stalking, extortion and profiteering.”

Performers have spoken out repeatedly against the measure expressing concerns for their safety and privacy. Many attended the convention to make their case to the party leaders directly.

“This initiative puts adult film performers at risk,” said Chanel Preston, President of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee. “The Democratic Party recognizing this is a major turning point in the battle. This win could not have happened without the help of the many performers who have been consistently impressive in their participation and support. As we move forward in our efforts to fight the adult film initiative, I believe we will continue to impress others with our passion and dedication in keeping our industry free from regulations that threaten, rather than protect performers.”

Ela Darling, a Board Member of APAC, who spoke to the resolutions committee, echoed Preston’s sentiment.

“This is a huge success and it wouldn’t have happened without the support and hard work of performers who came out and spoke up for their right to privacy. I’m so honored to  have stood beside such a passionate, industrious group of people this weekend. We spoke out against violations of our safety and privacy and our voices were heard.”

“We could not have done this without the voices of the performers, and the continuous support of our industry workers and businesses,” said Leue. “Our unity is our success.”

The California Republican Party opposed the measure in February. Major LGBTQ groups and AIDS/HIV outreach organizations have also announced opposition, including the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and AIDS Project LA.

“This is not about condoms,” said Leue. “It’s a lawsuit bonanza that will be used to harass this work force. Harassment is not a California value.”

Mike Stabile
Communications Director, Free Speech Coalition

Paid for by Californians Against Worker Harassment, sponsored by the Free Speech Coalition


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